I also had four other paintings accepted into the show:

"Grandfather's Stories" 2" x 3" oil
"Grandmothers Beads" 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" oil
Miniature Art Society of Florida
Many enthusiastic volunteers come together and work exceedingly hard to make this show the top miniature art show in the country. Artists from around the world submit work, with over 900 paintings. More information can be found at the website for MASF:http://www.miniatureartsocietyofflorida.com/show.html
It's quite an honor to be accepted into this show, and to win an award is an unbelievable privilege, accomplishment, and as an artist, it is so emotionally rewarding.
Miniature art is an exacting discipline, where all of the elements of a successful painting (design, color, drawing skill, anatomy, technique, storytelling and emotions) come together in a incredibly small space. There is something immediate and intimate about being drawn in to see the detail, the skill, and the character of each tiny painting. Although I've been painting professionally for many, many years, these past several years of focusing on miniatures has been fulfilling and fun.
I'd like to thank my collectors that love my work, the judges that show their approval with their awards and accolades, and of course Erik, Thelma & Louise, and my huge network of family, friends and co-workers who continually lift me up with encouraging words, love, and unending emotional support.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Luann H